Sunday, January 3, 2010

Auto Reply

Have you ever gotten a message through email that was an Auto Reply? I send messages and sometimes get a message that says, "Auto Reply no need to respond to this message". I also get them that are an auto reply that is informational that the person is "out of the office until…" Then I get this one that says, "you must reply to this message to verify you are not spam." Excuse me? I've been sending messages to this person for years and suddenly I have to prove I am not spam, that I am a real person, that I actually exist?


There are times when I need to learn to auto reply to life and the messages it sends. You know those messages. The ones that say, "You aren't worth…" The messages that tempt you to do that which you know you shouldn't do because… The message that says "just try a little; it won't hurt you" or "just this once." Those are the messages of life that come to us on auto pilot. We need to learn to auto reply with the best of ourselves in mind.


Saying no instead of yes when we know we can't handle it, don't have time for it, shouldn't do it. Our auto replies need to be the ones that build us up, encourage us to do our best, hope for the best, plan for the best. The auto replies that tell us we are worth it, we can do it, we should plan it.


When I think of spam I think of false, fake, unsolicited. I also think of the fake meat that is supposed to remind us of ham. Just like the definitions and pictures the word spam has conjured up, often times the thoughts we have are unsolicited, false, fake and look like something it really isn't. We have to sort through them and find the truth in the messages we get. We have to latch onto the actions that are real and what will lead us to the truth and growth of our lives.


Whether you are planning to lose weight, change jobs, enhance your life in some adventure, or whatever challenge you are facing; sometimes that is just the day to day living; remember your 2010 will only be fulfilling because of the people in it! The time and effort you invest in people are what counts. Evaluate your standards and expectations and keep plugging away.  Rewind the old tapes and weed out the spam. Use the auto reply to invest in yourself and edify yourself and others. What is most important to you is where your priorities will lie. I pray God will give you the strength, motivation and focus to keep on. 


Let 2010 be your most prosperous year, each day at a time, every step of the way. Take those steps towards those goals you wish to attain. I pray God will be at the head of your focus and through Him you will attain your goals.


"Nothing is impossible;

the word itself says,

'I'm possible!'"

~Audrey Hepburn~

1 comment:

Barbara's blog said...

Excellent thoughts. Happy New Year to you.